- 'ABREF' -A fully-tested simple windproof refugee tent not requiring guy wires
- Groupings of several 'ABREFS' to form varied clusters more suitable for refugee quality of life
- 'TSUTSU' - A low-cost and quickly erected permanent tsunami shelter that can handle even the worse water rise while protecting over 200 people. Usable at other times as a community center, school or medical clinic.
- 'OPERA' -A heli-portable operating room that is air-conditioned and fully aseptic, capable of being erected in one hour from its air cargo crate.
- Groupings of several 'OPERAS' to form medical clusters for disaster areas.
- 'LOGI' - Rigid modular shelter system for semi-permanent lodging and office space for NGO workers in disaster areas. Re-combinable in groupings called 'LOGIS' that are extremely flexible.
- 'LOSO' - A low-cost social housing system for semi-permanent or permanent housing for areas subjected to occasional cyclonic force winds.
- Groupings of 'LOSOS' for higher density needs without harming privacy.
- 'TECO' - A technical shelter for equipment (microwave, diesel, generation, etc..)
- 'SAFO' - A low-cost tsunami-safe housing solution to be manufactured internationally under license .
- 'RESO' -A medium cost resort housing solution for tsunami, hurricane and earthquake prone areas
- Groupings of several 'RESOS' to form varied clusters that are safe, yet lively and attractive.
- 'ARCTA' - a warm and windproof arctic house for permafrost areas
- BAJA DOS' - an earthquake proof and hurricane proof housing for hillside construction.
- BAJA TRES' - an earthquake, tsunami and hurricane proof housing for seaside construction
OTHER BUILDINGS (design only)
- 'TOWO' - A low to medium cost hurricane, earthquake and tsunami-safe high-rise building suitable for office or hotel building program. The prefabrication techniques are to be licensed internationally.
PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT- Design and Fabrication, training etc.. (design only)
- 'MUCHO' - A high output panel injection system that can be shipped anywhere for the production of large-scale reconstruction projects involving urethane filled panels.A high output panel injection system that can be shipped anywhere for the production of large-scale reconstruction projects involving urethane filled panels.