Design with the help of Dr. Richard Chill, the late famous Canadian arctic construction specialist, these Arctic houses have been used by the Inuit nation for offices, residence and in one case, a caribou meat freezer-room! Selling a Frigidaire to Eskimos is not a lame joke anymore!

They are exposed to high winds and need to be raised so as not to melt down into the permafrost. The three-legged solutions are easily ajustable, as with a tripod, and the shade provided under the house keeps the sun from playing havoc with the grounds. Interestingly, the cavity under the floor is put to good use: in one module, an oil tank, in the other fresh water, and in the third, a holding tank for refuse. Interconnected, these cavities form a plenum that is pressurized with warm air diffusing through the floor registers, but also through tiny holes placed near the outside wall to prevent condensation forming where air does not circulate well.  All Archimede houses have a fabulous shell to keep the occupants warm, sometimes associated with quadruple glazed windows that never show frost build-ups. But the sub-floor cavity in ALL OF THEM is a warm air distribution plenum (see article in Popular Science magazine) , a feature that is equally appreciated in our many ski resorts condos where simple plastic tubes are fitted into holes through the flooring, forming a natural dying setup for wet ski boots inverted over them. Much appreciated is the fact that the area under and around the house is mostly clear of snow buildups since the low drag underside accelerates the weakest winds. As for the super-resistance of these panelized shape of these modular structure, read this recent article by the inventor himself. The later can be reached at his email address


Engineered and fully componentized  including stucture and envelope, this economical small building can withstand the most severe earthquakes without incuring habitual costly repairs or worse, rebuilding.


First was a  vertical wedge action pair of presses designed by us in 1980.
strong and efficient, these machines lacked the flexibity of the lighter and cheaper later models.


Rigid urethane insulation has been used in the building and construction industries since the 1950’s. Over the past 40 years, in excess of 500 million square metres of insulated panels have been manufactured by the continuous lamination process and have been successfully used in roof and wall cladding applications worldwide.

The superior long term performance of metal faced insulated panels with rigid urethane cores is now widely recognised by building investors and designers when compared with site assembled, multi-part, built-up cladding systems. This has resulted in significant growth for this type of construction system.

The main reasons for this growth are:

  • Increasingly stringent building regulations, which in many countries require the use of insulation to comply with energy efficiency and CO2 emission targets.
  • The rising cost of fuel and energy. Effective thermal insulation can reduce HVAC / heating costs by up to 40% wherever it is installed.
  • The environmental cost of energy production is also a factor which now needs to be considered. The burning of fossil fuels for energy production is estimated to contribute 80% of the world’s CO2emissions. These green-house gases contribute to the problem of global warming, and so the conservation of energy is the most direct and cheap way to reduce CO2 emissions and thus control global warming.
  • Industry experts estimate that worldwide insulation of buildings to optimum standards could reduce global energy requirements by more than 10%.
  • Rapid site assembly and early completion of a building project is demanded by investors and insulated sandwich panels provide ‘single fix’ fast on-site installation.

  • Investors require superior specification, low maintenance and long-term product performance.