The design of tents for refugees has been plagued for years with serious shortcomings. Not any more, as our contributors have provided us with a set of features that we are putting together, designing the perfect tent.
Its features:
  • Internal guy wires that you can't trip over as they are built into the walls.
  • Allows groupings of basic units called 'ABREFS',  in thousands of different ways.
  • Wind resistance tested in wind tunnel at our Mexico facility.
  • Can be quickly on spit of size.
  • Can be subdivided into roomettes quite easily.
  • Forms a bundle that is easy to carry.
  • Comes with color coding and personalization features.

Below, slide of a very dense proposed refugee camp for future Armenian earthquake victims. We will take great pleasure in working with Armenian citizens and artists to make those camps thoroughly lovable by these afflicted people. Music by :

Ithikon Akmeotaton - Armenian Music Medley
Medley of traditional Armenian songs performed by ITHIKON AKMEOTATON, recorded at Octalogic Studio Mannheim, Germany 2007